Could someone instruct me or point me in the right direction. I would like to have a 
<input type=password name=password> <input type=password name=password2> when submit 
it will check to se if password and password2 are = ( i do not want password2 to end 
up in POST on submit.)

also i am trying to rewrite data from a tinyint. the tinyint will return 1 or 0, I 
have tried but can not seem to get it right. pretty much if it returns 1 i want 
display active where if 0 display not active. I have tried the following:

$act = mysql_query("select isactive from acl where isactive '1'")
if ($act)
while ($isact = mysql_fetch_array($act))
echo "Active";
echo "Not Active";

i have also tried:

if $row[isactive] = '1'
echo "active";
echo "Not Active";

im suue i have screwed up the syntax somewhere. I have looked on google and picked 
thru several scripts i have found online but have been unsuccessful. aly help 


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