Hi all...

Would anyone be kind enough to provide me some pointers about object
relationship mapping [libraries] in PHP?

All I know is there are some DB APIs available: PEAR DB, MDB, ADOdb,
Creole... I currently use MDB for its excellent DB schema management
capabilities. And I use ORM manually, this provides the most
flexbility but from time to time it gets rather annoying, so I'm now
seeking alternatives (if possible, still using MDB, but a switch to
other API is okay though...)

Each API seem to have its own relational-to-OO mapping in form of data
objects... like PEAR DB DataObject, which I would say is an almost-ORM
implementation. Creole's Propel seems to be a bit more advanced than
the others.
What I wanted is more like Java's Hibernate. So it's not just a
wrapper for get() but it actually creates proper OO classes in PHP
based on some meta-information. I don't mind code generation if its
flexible enough and it's directly usable for all circumstances without
handly modifying them (since they'll get regenerated from time to

I also found phpSorm and phpersistence, though these projects seem to
be not maintained now.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated... :-)
Hendy Irawan - http://dev.gauldong.net - GaulDong Developer Center

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