Got it fixed...

for those curious, the extension_dir path was correct, I had to copy
ntwdblib.dll to "c:\WINNT\system32\" and it recognizes the extension now,
and works great....

"Robert W. Biddle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm running IIS 5.0 on a Win2k pro. Machine using PHP 4.0.6
> I want to enable support for MSSQL 2000 but I can't get the extension
> directory path to work properly.
> Right now, I've copied php_mssql.dll in "c:\php\extension_dir" and
> and also in "c:\WINNT\system"
> I have the line in php.ini set to :  "extension_dir = "c:\php"  I've also
> used "c:\php\extension_dir" as well as "c:\WINNT\system" as well as
> "c:\%systemroot%/system"
> I have no idea what else to try to get it to find the dll file, but I
> get the same response: "Unable to load dynamic library
> 'C\WINNT\system\php_mssql.dll' - The specified module could not be found."
> I appreciate any help in this, thanks in advance.
> -Rob

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