"Cato Larsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>How can you extract a certain form of info from a >Cookie?
>Im my case the cookie name is "crispy". It has been >stored with a session id
>and a charnick.
>How do I extract the charnick and use it in the page >as "$charnick" or

That depends on how you store the data in the cookie. 
I find it comfortable to store the elements of the cookie separated by pipes - '|'.

e.g: setcookie('crispy', $session_id . '|' . $charnick, etc');

This way you have a reference point to every element of the cookie. 
So in the script you can just do this:

    $cookie_data = explode('|', $crispy);
    $session_id = $cookie_data[0];
    $charnick = $cookie_data[1];

  Boaz Amit

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