
or u can just try "select last_insert_id() from test" - thats what i do.
however even mentioning the table-name doesn't seem to be necessary; i just
do it for readability.


"Patrik Fomin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> im adding a post to the database, is there any way to retrive back the ID
> for the post that i just created?
> the id is auto_increment and primary key.
> like
> $sql = "insert into test (namn, www) values('test', 'test.com')";
> mysql_query($sql);
> $row = mysql_get_post("id");
> ?
> the only way i could think of was to create a tempfield in the database
> each time you post you give the temp field a unique value, like:
> $sql = "insert into test (namn, www, unique) values('test',
> 'test.com','25323324')";
> mysql_query($sql);
> $sql = "select id from test where unique = '25323324'";
> $res = mysql_query($sql);
> regards
> patrick

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