did the tabs get stripped in your mail, or is there a reason the code
couldn't be written like the following?
i'm curious, since this is the way i do 90% of my code - makes it easy to
see what's going on... but i dunno about performance or parsing impact
(never gave it much thought until now)...?

newbily yours...


if ($condition){
    echo "correct";
} else {
    echo "what";
    if (!$condition2){
        include ('thing.php');
        while (!$dead){
            if ($jam != $yes){
                $dead = true;
            } else {
                for ($i=0;$i<100;$i++){
                    $thing = processSomething("something", "something2");
                    $string = "something $here too";


----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Royle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:44 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Advice to PHP beginners

> Just some advice... You should use a consistent programming style,
> especially with PHP. You can read some guys advice here.
> http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/tim20010101.php3?page=1
> Some of the advantages of having a consistent style, is when you are
> looking for bugs. If you look over your code and see something unusual,
> then you can target that area to see if it is the culprit. If you don't
> have a consistent style, then sometimes that can cause serious
> heartache, as everything will look unusual.
> A few issues that trip up most people when beginning to use PHP, is the
> syntax errors. Usually these arise from quote issues, to semi-colon and
> brace issues. A lot of this trouble can be avoided (or easily debugged)
> by simply using tabs to your advantage. Consider the following:
> <?php if ($condition){ echo "correct";} else {
> echo 'what';
> if (!$condition2){
> include 'thing.php';
> while (!$dead)
> { if ($jam!= $yes){ $dead = true;
> } else{
> for ($i=0;$i<100;$i++)
> { $thing = processSomething('something', "something2");
> $string = 'something'.$here."too";
> }}}}}
> ?>
> Technically I *think* this would be syntactically correct, but if I was
> looking for a bug, I would be shot in the foot. A better way to write
> this would be the following:
> <?php
> if ($condition){
> echo "correct";
> } else {
> echo "what";
> if (!$condition2){
> include ('thing.php');
> while (!$dead){
> if ($jam != $yes){
> $dead = true;
> } else {
> for ($i=0;$i<100;$i++){
> $thing = processSomething("something", "something2");
> $string = "something $here too";
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> ?>
> So its a couple more lines, but if I came back to that script a month or
> two months later trying to fix something, or add a new feature, it would
> be easy. Couple that style with comments and you're on fire!!!
> Hope this helps for someone out there...
> Adam

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