Newbie question

I am trying to get a linux (redhat 7.0) box running apache (1.3.19) and php
(4.0.5) to communicate with Microsoft Sql Server version 7 or 2000.  I am
trying to use the iodbc driver manager with the OpenRDA odbc driver.
Following all the instructions i have managed to install and connect to the
MS DB using the utility provided by OpenRDA as well as by iODBC driver

The problem is that when I try to put it all together and compile php and
apache to use the driver manager and driver I cannot connect.  I haven't
noticed any errors building or running but when I try to connect i get....

Warning: SQL error: [iODBC][Driver Manager]Specified driver could not be
loaded, SQL state IM003 in SQLConnect

When i do a phpinfo() - under the ODBC section i have....
ODBC library : iodbc

Does anyone know what that means?

I am making php with configure
as --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-xml --with-apache=../apache_1.3.19 -
-enable-track-vars --with-zlib --enable-trans-sid --with-iodbc=/usr/local/od

I am making apache with configure
as --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a --enable-module=php4 --prefi

Is there anything obvious that i am missing or have done wrong?

I have tried absolutely everything that i know and can find to do and have
failed.  I don't know where to turn.  Please help me.


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