
Basically the answer is no.

However Zend (www.zend.com) produce commercial software which compiles the
php, making it run faster and the source unreadable, but it is not cheap so
you need a good enough reason to spend the money.

On the other hand it is the commercial arm of php so you are supporting php
in the process.

Not sure if there are any other options


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-----Original Message-----
From: Smita Manohar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 August 2002 18:59
Subject: [PHP-DB] how to hide source code??

im using php script with mysql. i want to hide the script from the admin or
from the person who has privileges to access all the data. bcos i use ftp to
upload the files. and i don't want anyone should be able to view the source.

is it possible to do so?

thnx and regds,

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