
This error is caused because odbc_connect is setting a dynamic cursor by
This is usually not a problem, but a cursor needs a primary key.

If no primary key exists on your table or if you are selecting against a
view there will be a problem.
I suggest you try adding a primary key.

Alternatively a workaround exists to prevent odbc_connect from automatically
selecting a dynamic cursor when connecting - edit php_odbc.h and comment

and recompile your php/apache setup.

If you run into additional problems you may wish to open a support case at

Best regards,
Andrew Hill
Director of Technology Evangelism
OpenLink Virtuoso Internet Data Integration Server

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paulo Freitas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 11:09 AM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] [OpenLink][ODBC][Driver]No key columns found for table
> referenced by keyset driven cursor
> Hi,
> I'm running True64 UNIX with ingres 6.4 and openlink ODBC.
> When i connect thru cgi(C/C++) it works fine but when i connect via PHP
> 4.1.1 gives me this error:
> [OpenLink][ODBC][Driver]No key columns found for table referenced
> by keyset
> driven cursor., SQL state IM909 in SQLPrepare
> I compiled php like this:
> ./configure' '--with-odbc=/usr/soft/openlink/odbcsdk'
> '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.22' '--enable-track-vars'
> I didnīt install iodbc because it's has a problem with snprintf....
> Cal anyone help me with this?
> P Freitas
> --
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