On Fri, 2004-10-22 at 15:45, Norland, Martin wrote:
> What are the line endings of the file?  Maybe php is getting confused.
> How many KB is the file on disk when it's the ~1500 line version?
> There's length of each line (which you want under 1KB, probably not a
> problem unless you have BLOBS or equivalent) - and then there's how PHP
> determines what a line actually is.

Actually, I thought of line endings first. But after chopping the file
into pieces and getting all records to go in, ruled it out.

I finally, after trying many things have gotten this to work with the
large files. I found, if I issue a pg_connection_busy($dbh) before the
pg_put_line(...) in the while statement processing the lines of the temp
file handle, it works. Don't ask me why, that is what I'd like to know.
If I report back if busy is true, I get nothing. Maybe it is just giving
a millisecond to breathe or something while checking to see if the
connection is busy. But with that one line, all is well.


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