
first of all, the ADODB that ruprecht is talking about is different than the 
one i'm talking about.  go to for the one i'm 
talking about.  the one i'm talking about does have support for the one he's 
talking about built in, though.  the one i'm talking about is what appears 
to be a decent attempt to standardize all of the DB functions/extensions in 
php into a set of DB calls that could potentially be used on any database, 
as long as you had the right extensions loaded already.  basically it 
defines a few of the standard DB functions connect(), execute($somequery), 
close, etc... and depending on what DB type you pass it,   these standard 
functions wrap around the appropriate DB functions for your DB (like 
mysql_connect(), mssql_query(), ovrimos_execute(), etc...) so it turns out 
that using this package doesn't help me, because it's still limited by the 
functionality of mssql_*() functions.

what limits do i speak of?  2 in particular (in the current php -> they 
should be gone by 4.3)
1.  if a table in your DB has a column full of MSSQL's 'real' type, if the 
precision of the data is too high, like 3.4439999932, php just straight up 
crashes.  no error log, no nuthin.
workaround:  instead of "Select real1, string1 from table", do "select 
round(real1,{some lower precision}), string1 from table"

2.  if you have multiple SQL statments in a call to mssql_query(), and some 
of them don't actually return a result set like:
mssql_query("declare var1 float
set var1=12.34
select var1 as var");

mssql_next_result() won't do the right thing and you won't be able to get to 
the result set generated by the last statement.  Also, for some reason, when 
this problem occurs, it causes all subsequent mssql_*() functions to do 
zilch.  workaround: figure out a way to only have 1 SQL statement per call 
to mssql_query() (not easy sometimes depending on what you're doing)

well, this has been long, but i hope informative, too.


----Original Message Follows----
From: Ruprecht Helms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Benjamin Walling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Benjamin Walling,
 > I'm starting to migrate from ASP to PHP.  What are you finding that you
 > can't to with mssql_*?  I'd be interested in knowing what limitations I 
 > be facing.

By myself I'm using ADODB in my actual Project. But this Project
is in VBA based on Access. ADO itselv consits of ActiveX-Components and
I don't know of the securance of this Components at the moment. From MS
you can hear from time to time that are always big bugs in Security.
For example Exchange-Server, IIS, SQL-Server, ...

To take PHP is the right way. I suggest you take mysql (Linux-Version),
Adabas D or Oracle as database and connect it with php. Then you have
less trouble in security. The linuxbased mysqlversion is much stable
and is freeware (the win-version of mysql is shareware).


E-Mail: Ruprecht Helms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18-May-02
Time: 09:39:50

to be informed -> <-

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