[PHP-DB] sybase remote procedure ergebnis in variable

2001-09-19 Thread 7k


ich nutze per ODBC eine remote procedure auf einem Sybase Server. Die 
Prozedur liefert mir unter anderem eine Variable zurück, die ich in PHP 
weiternutzen muß. Kann mir jemand einen Hinweis geben, wie ich die 
Variable der ODBC Abfrage in eine PHP Variable übertragen kann?
Hier das Beispiel:

odbc_exec ($conn,declare @VARIABLE int exec PROZEDURNAME 

@VARIABLE soll übertragen werden in $VARIABLE

Danke im voraus

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[PHP-DB] sybase remote pocedure into variable

2001-09-19 Thread 7k


I run a remote procedure via ODBC on a sybse server. The procedure 
returns an integer in a variable @VARIABLE. I have to use the integer 
as a variable $VARIABLE in PHP. Does anybody know how to get the 
content of @VARIABLE into $VARIABLE?
This is the code I use:

odbc_exec ($conn,declare @VARIABLE int exec PROZEDURNAME 

content of @VARIABLE must be written into $VARIABLE

Thanks in advance

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[PHP-DB] Re: sybase remote pocedure into variable

2001-09-19 Thread 7k

Good idea Michiel,

I tried $@VARIABLE but it doens't work (not content).
Concerning the other idea, as far as I know the odbc procedure only 
returns if it has run successfull or not and thus gives me a 0 or a 
1 if use:
$VARIABLE=odbc_exec ($conn,declare @VARIABLE int exec PROZEDURNAME 

Any other ideas?

Michiel Lange wrote:

  Missed that...
  Try these:
  $VARIABLE = odbc_exec(...)
  or try what $@VARIABLE contains...
  Met vriendelijke groet,
  Michiel Lange
  ActuEra B.V.

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