[PHP-DB] Splitting Arrays in Half

2004-12-09 Thread Jacob Hackamack
Hello all,

I have the following code and here is my goal:

I have an array and right now, as the code stands, I have one column of data
on a page.  I want it to have 2 colums of data on a page.  I have tried this
and it just returns blank so I am asking for some help.  Thank you in
advance and I will be here for any questions you have.

Thanks Again,

   $total_count = 0;
$display_count = 0;

//Do for each item
foreach ($item as $sched)
$sched[] = array( 'teama' = $item[teama],
  'teamb' = $item[teamb],
 'scorea' = $item[scorea],
 'scoreb' = $item[scoreb]);
while ($total_count  $display_count)
if ($display_count != 0) next($sched);*/
//Start the Row

// Get the team name given its ID
$tma = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' =
$tmb = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' =
$col1 = $vars['color1'];

// Home is the first team or the second?
$rev = $vars['reversed'];
if ($rev == 1) {
   $loc = $tmb[city];
   $field = $tmb[paddress];
} else {
   $loc = $tma[city];
   $field = $tma[paddress];

if ($sched[scorea] == -1)
$sched[scorea] = NA;
if ($sched[scoreb] == -1)
$sched[scoreb] = NA;
$output-Text(table width='200');
$output-Text(div align=\left\font
size=1nbsp;.$tma[team]. ($sched[scorea])/font/div);
$output-Text(td bgcolor='$col1' width='100');
$output-Text(font color=#FF
$output-Text(div align=\left\font
size=1nbsp;.$tmb[team]. ($sched[scoreb])/font/div);
$output-Text(td bgcolor='$col1' width='100');
$output-Text(font color=#FF size='1'div
align=\right\a title='$field'$loc/a/div/font);

 /*   $display_count++;
   while($total_count  $display_count)
// Get the team name given its ID
$tma = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid'
= $sched['teama']));
$tmb = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid'
= $sched['teamb']));

//Get the COlors
$col1 = $vars['color1'];

// Home is the first team or the second?
$rev = $vars['reversed'];
if ($rev == 1)
   $loc = $tmb[city];
   $field = $tmb[paddress];
   $loc = $tma[city];
   $field = $tma[paddress];

if ($sched[scorea] == -1)
$sched[scorea] = NA;
if ($sched[scoreb] == -1)
$sched[scoreb] = NA;
size=1nbsp;.$tma[team]. ($sched[scorea])/font);
$output-Text(td bgcolor='$col1'
align='center' valign='middle' width='80');
$output-Text(font color=#FF
size=1nbsp;.$tmb[team]. ($sched[scoreb])/font);
$output-Text(td bgcolor='$col1'
align='center' valign='middle' width='80');
$output-Text(font color=#FF
size='1'a title='$field'$loc/a/font);

[PHP-DB] Correction: [PHP-DB] Splitting Arrays in Half

2004-12-09 Thread Jacob Hackamack
I was thinking.  The way I have it now the code is commented out the parts
that I thought would work and allow me to have two columns.  I have
commented them out because in the production environment it was returning
nothing so I at least have to have it show SOMETHING!

Thanks in advance.  Hopefully it clairifies some things

On 12/9/04 1:28 PM, You, Jacob Hackamack, with the internet address:

 Hello all,
 I have the following code and here is my goal:
 I have an array and right now, as the code stands, I have one column of data
 on a page.  I want it to have 2 colums of data on a page.  I have tried this
 and it just returns blank so I am asking for some help.  Thank you in
 advance and I will be here for any questions you have.
 Thanks Again,
$total_count = 0;
 $display_count = 0;
 //Do for each item
 foreach ($item as $sched)
 $sched[] = array( 'teama' = $item[teama],
   'teamb' = $item[teamb],
  'scorea' = $item[scorea],
  'scoreb' = $item[scoreb]);
 while ($total_count  $display_count)
 if ($display_count != 0) next($sched);*/
 //Start the Row
 // Get the team name given its ID
 $tma = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' =
 $tmb = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' =
 $col1 = $vars['color1'];
 // Home is the first team or the second?
 $rev = $vars['reversed'];
 if ($rev == 1) {
$loc = $tmb[city];
$field = $tmb[paddress];
 } else {
$loc = $tma[city];
$field = $tma[paddress];
 if ($sched[scorea] == -1)
 $sched[scorea] = NA;
 if ($sched[scoreb] == -1)
 $sched[scoreb] = NA;
 $output-Text(table width='200');
 $output-Text(div align=\left\font
 size=1nbsp;.$tma[team]. ($sched[scorea])/font/div);
 $output-Text(td bgcolor='$col1' width='100');
 $output-Text(font color=#FF
 $output-Text(div align=\left\font
 size=1nbsp;.$tmb[team]. ($sched[scoreb])/font/div);
 $output-Text(td bgcolor='$col1' width='100');
 $output-Text(font color=#FF size='1'div
 align=\right\a title='$field'$loc/a/div/font);
  /*   $display_count++;
while($total_count  $display_count)

 // Get the team name given its ID
 $tma = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid'
 = $sched['teama']));
 $tmb = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid'
 = $sched['teamb']));
 //Get the COlors
 $col1 = $vars['color1'];
 // Home is the first team or the second?
 $rev = $vars['reversed'];
 if ($rev == 1)
$loc = $tmb[city];
$field = $tmb[paddress];
$loc = $tma[city];
$field = $tma[paddress];
 if ($sched[scorea] == -1)
 $sched[scorea] = NA;
 if ($sched[scoreb] == -1)
 $sched[scoreb] = NA;
 size=1nbsp;.$tma[team]. ($sched[scorea])/font);
 $output-Text(td bgcolor='$col1'
 align='center' valign='middle' width='80');
 $output-Text(font color=#FF

[PHP-DB] Question

2004-11-08 Thread Jacob Hackamack

I am using PostNuke and have decided to create a page for a local basketball
team.  I have this as the create team function:

/// Create a new Team for the given Tournament
/// Parameters:
/// 'cid' = Tournament ID
///'team' = Team name
/// 'contact' = name of the team representative
///   'email' = representative's email
///'homepage' = team's Homepage
function standings_admin_createteam($args)
// Get parameters from whatever input we need.

// Admin functions of this type can be called by other modules.

// Confirm authorisation code.
if (!pnSecConfirmAuthKey()) {
pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _BADAUTHKEY);
pnRedirect(pnModURL('Standings', 'admin', 'viewteams', array('lid'
= $lid)));
return true;

$modid  = pnModGetIDFromName('Standings');
$modinfo= pnModGetInfo($modid);
$picenable  = pnModGetVar('Standings', 'picenable');

// Notable by its absence there is no security check here.  This is
// the security check is carried out within the API function and as such
// do not duplicate the work here

// Load API.
if (!pnModAPILoad('Standings', 'admin')) {
pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _LOADFAILED);
return $output-GetOutput();

// The API function is called.
$tid = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','admin','createteam',
array('lid' = $lid,
  'team'= $team,
  'city'= $city,
  'shorts'  = $shorts,
  'tshirt'  = $tshirt,
  'shortsa' = $shortsa,
  'tshirta' = $tshirta,
  'contact' = $contact,
  'phone'   = $phone,
  'paddress'= $paddress,
  'email'   = $email,
  'homepage'= $homepage,
  'penpts'  = $penpts));

// The return value of the function is checked here
if ($tid != false) {
// Success
pnSessionSetVar('statusmsg', _STANDINGSTEAMCREATED);

if ($picenable == 1) {
// manage picture Upload if there is a picture sent - Portrait
if ($picture!=) {
$picname = $_FILES['picture']['name'];


if ($picenable == 1) {
// manage picture Upload if there is a picture sent
// make Portrait photo first
$picname = $_FILES['picturep']['name'];
if ($picname != ) {

if ($picenable == 1) {
// manage picture Upload if there is a picture sent
// make Portrait photo first
   $picname = $_FILES['picturet']['name'];
   if ($picname != ) {
$pictype = $_FILES['picturet']['type'];
$picsize = $_FILES['picturet']['size'];
   $pictemp = $_FILES['picturet']['tmp_name'];
$picdest =
   $picmax = pnModGetVar('Standings', 'picmaxt');
   $picwidth = pnModGetVar('Standings', 'xsizet');
   $picheight = pnModGetVar('Standings', 'ysizet');
   $picqual = pnModGetVar('Standings', 'picqualt');

   $picerror = ;
   // check if file is of the right type (jpg - gif - png) - Set in
   if ($pictype != image/pjpeg) {
   if ($picsize  $picmax) {
   if ($picerror == ) {
  if(($g_is[0]-$picwidth)=($g_is[1]-$picheight)) {
  } else {


  $img_src = imageCreateFromJpeg($pictemp);
  $img_dst = imageCreateTrueColor($g_iw,$g_ih);
  imageCopyResampled($img_dst, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $g_iw,
$g_ih, $g_is[0], $g_is[1]);
  imageJpeg($img_dst, $picdest, $picqual);


// This function generated no output, and so now it is complete we
// the user to an appropriate page for them to carry on their work
pnRedirect(pnModURL('Standings', 'admin', 'viewteams', array('lid' =

// Return
return true;


The only problem is that the image upload does not seem to work.   Any help

[PHP-DB] Session Values Change

2004-07-27 Thread Jacob Hackamack

I am trying to start a blog page where the person selects their person they
want to view (bottom of the page) and then it somehow changes the session
variable (top of the code) and then accesses the database.  I was wondering,
what is the correct way to do something like this.  I have tried a couple of
options (a hrefs) but they didn¹t seem to work and was wondering if anybody
had any suggestions.

Thank You In Advance



if (! isset($_SESSION['view']))
   $_SESSION['view'] = Jacob;


 $dbuser='php' ;
 $conn = mysql_connect ( $dbhost , $dbuser , $dbpass );
 //mysql_select_db ( web );
 $sql = 'Select UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS
date,title,article from web.blog where user='.$view.' order by date desc
LIMIT 10';
 $result = mysql_query($sql);
//Execute For Future Use: SELECT
DATE_FORMAT(date,'%W, %D %M, %Y %l:%i%p') content FROM blog
  while ( $dataRow = mysql_fetch_row ( $result ) ) {
 $date=date(F dS Y h:i:s A, $dataRow[0]);
  echo 'a name='.$date.'/a';
  echo '  div class=date'.$date. '/div';
  echo '  h3'.$dataRow[1].'/h3';
  echo '  p'.$dataRow[2].'/pbr';
  #echo $sql ;
  mysql_close ( $conn );


   div id=footer
Other Users:
Jacob Hackamack | Julie Hackamack | David Hackamack/p

[PHP-DB] Quick Question: Line Breaks

2004-01-08 Thread Jacob Hackamack

I have a couple of quick questions.  When I execute this code on my php page
(I know that the .PSD image isn¹t web ready, but Safari does what I need it
to do :) ) it displays the entire source as one line.  Is there anyway to
have it be broken.  I have read places (internet sites) that say that the
following solutions might work:
echo Œ¹;\n\n
echo Œ¹\n\n ;
echo Œ\n\n¹;

None of them seem to work, am I doing something wrong?

echo 'meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=utf-8';
echo 'html';
echo 'head';
echo 'title';
echo 'FilmCanister Desktops';
echo '/title';
echo '/head';
echo 'body';
echo 'center';
echo 'img src=images/Rotating.psd';
echo 'h2';
echo 'Coming SoonDesktop Pictures (2.83 GB Worth)/h2';
echo '/center';
echo '/body';
echo '/html';

Also, I am looking for a good freeware image gallery for Linux/Apache, if
anybody has any suggestions please help out.

Thanks for advance.



2003-11-06 Thread Jacob Hackamack
I use BBEdit on Mac OSX, I know I copied and pasted some things, but I
actually wrote all of the lines that you took out, weird.  I really have no
idea how its screwing up on spaces like that, I wish there was a PHP error
checker that actually told you what happens and why.  Anyways, the beta of
the site is up at 


If anybody wants to take a look at it (don't be afraid to put in a fake name
and period, the table is backed up and won't go live for some time) :).

Thank you one and all.


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[PHP-DB] Problem Solved

2003-11-05 Thread Jacob Hackamack
Thanks for your help,  I was able to go through line by line and fix what
was wrong, I guess a simple rewriting of some code solved it because now its
better and faster then before.  Thank You all.
