Im using win2k and php to retrieve and dipslay database records, however whenever the 
page is loaded in a browser I get the following error (the line in question is in bold)

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: msql_select_db() in 
D:\ASP\test\php\default.php on line 18

The code I am using is below


$connect = mysql_connect();

echo "Could not etsablish connection to mySQL!";

$database = "dvd_listings";

$dbb = msql_select_db($database,$connect) or die("Unable to select Database!"); 

$sql = "SELECT * FROM dvd_main";

$sql_result = mysql_query($sql,$connect);

echo "<table border=1>";
echo "<tr><td>DVD Title</td></tr>";

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)){

$title = $row["main_title"];
echo "<tr><td>$title</td></tr>";


echo "</table>";


Any help would be appreciated

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