[PHP-DB] Trying to reduce the number of queries

2004-04-08 Thread Ryan Marks
 $ID = $row_state["ID"];

// Get a count of the number of applications in this company's mailbox
that are associated
// with this media location
$state_count = db_select_val("select count(*) from application, mailbox
where mailbox.app_ID= application.ID and application.media_ID = \"$ID\"
and mailbox.company_ID =\"$company_ID\"");

echo "$state - $city - $name - $state_count\n";

I would like to incorportate each of the queries that uses the count(*)
function into the associated query outside the while() loop.  Can this be
done?  I assume that the fewer times I need to query the database, the
faster my script will run.  Is this true as well?

Ryan Marks

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[PHP-DB] Cronjob

2003-12-11 Thread Ryan Marks
Hello all,

I have a cronjob that runs a PHP script against MySQL.  The script takes 5
minutes to process 4000 records (approximately 12 records per second).  Here
are the top two entries from top:
 8671 mysql 25   0 20172  19M  2000 R97.8  3.9   2:02   0 mysqld
 8670 appmgr15   0  2088 2088  1424 S 2.2  0.4   0:03   0 php

Is there a way that I can slow down the script so mysqld does not bog the
machine down.

Here is a snippet of code.  The function is called by the cronjob.

function rank_mailbox_current($company_ID){
$query = "select app_ID from mailbox where company_ID = \"$company_ID\"
and deleted_date = 0 order by mailbox.ID desc";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$app_ID = $row["app_ID"];

Server: P-IV 2.4GHz, 512 DDRAM, RedHat 9
PHP Version 4.3.1
MySQL 4.0.3


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RE: [PHP-DB] No tuples available

2003-11-13 Thread Ryan Marks
I Googled for your warning message and found this:

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Jameson (USA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 5:52 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] No tuples available

Is there a way to tell PHP to not show just this warning? Maybe there
should be another warning level just for this warning, call it "trivial
and pointless". :-)

Warning: odbc_fetch_row(): No tuples available at this result index in 

I don't even know what it means. I get it all the time when I'm checking
if my query returned results. It's kinda silly.

Everything works fine & I'd like to leave error_reporting full so SQL
errors that report as warnings will be displayed.

<>< Ryan

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RE: [PHP-DB] store whois requests

2003-09-16 Thread Ryan Marks
This is some code I already use... you may wish to change the way you
retrieve you whois data.



//backwards tick marks will run this command on the server and echo's it
out to the screen
echo `whois $host`;
echo "";

//get the timestamp and ip
$timestamp = date("YmdHis");
$ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);

//create your query
$query = "insert into whois_log (domain, timestamp, ip) values (\"$host\",
\"$timestamp\", \"$ip\")";

//run the query against the database with your variables for $server,
$username, and $password
$db = mysql_connect($server,$username,$password);
if (!$result = @mysql_query($query,$db)){
$error = mysql_error();
print("Error Processing Query: $error$query");

-Original Message-
From: IS [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:27 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] store whois requests

I want to store whois requests including the ip address and date/time
stamp into a file or MySQL database (a database is what I prefer to use)
for monitoring the PHP whois script. Anybody an idea of how I could do
this? I'm a beginner in PHP so any help is welcome.


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RE: [PHP-DB] Need to Run a PHP script using CRON or ?

2003-09-15 Thread Ryan Marks
My bad... wget does require http or ftp protocol and a hostname that can be
resolved by the server.

-Original Message-
From: CPT John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Need to Run a PHP script using CRON or ?

From: "Ryan Marks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Not necessarily.  You can wget /path/to/file.php or my personal preference
> is not to use wget, but php directly
> /path/to/php/executable /path/to/file.php

Are you sure about that? I thought wget had to go through HTTP?

This didn't work for me, am I doing it wrong?

$ ls
cpanel3-skelmailpublic_html tmp
cpanelbranding  public_ftp  test.phpwww

$ wget test.php
--16:42:22--  http://test.php/
   => `index.html'
Resolving test.php... failed: No address associated with hostname.

---John Holmes...

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RE: [PHP-DB] Need to Run a PHP script using CRON or ?

2003-09-15 Thread Ryan Marks
Not necessarily.  You can wget /path/to/file.php or my personal preference
is not to use wget, but php directly
/path/to/php/executable /path/to/file.php

Just a thought,

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Villa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Need to Run a PHP script using CRON or ?

Interesting... how does this fair concerning security?  So I'll have to
have this file located in my document root, is this a good thing?  My
current directory structure consists of several files located outside
the doc root.  I guess I could always include it onto a page

On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 14:49, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:
> From: "Jonathan Villa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I have an application which creates temporary tables.  My plan is to
> > remove them after a 24 hour period and only those which are have a
> > created time greater than 24 hours.  That part I can do, my question is
> > how will I be able to run this script which is a 2 part script.
> >
> > First thing I do is pull the names of the temporary tables which are
> > going to be deleted from another table.  From this result set, I need to
> > DROP tables as well as remove the reference to them from the first
> > table.
> >
> > I understand that I can run PHP from the command line but this would
> > require PHP to installed as a CGI which I prefer not to do.
> >
> > I was hoping I that I could use CRON to run this script once a day...
> You can. Create a php script that does what you want. It should not create
> any output, either log status/error messages or send an email.
> If you save it as cron.php, you can use a command such as the following in
> your crontab:
> wget -q -O - www.domain.com/cron.php > /dev/null
> I'm assuming you know the specifics of cron or can google for it. :)
> ---John Holmes...

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RE: [PHP-DB] subtracting dates...

2003-08-02 Thread Ryan Marks
I found this code at Google's cached version of the manual for the
date() function:

This code only returned the number of hours, minutes, and seconds
between the two points in time.  Now it returns years and days as well
as the left over time.  The script also used the mod operator (%) to
find the remaining days after determining the year and it would not
calculate correctly.  For example, if I compared yesterday, three years
ago(08-01-00) and today (08-02-03) at noon for both days, I would get a
difference of 3 years.  No I am using while loops subtracting whole
years to find the number of days that remain.  The same is true for
subtracting days, hours and minutes.

$r -= 31536000;
$dd=floor($r / 86400);
while ($r > 86400){
$r -= 86400;
if ($hh<=9) $hh="0".$hh;  //adds a leading 0 if less than 10
while ($r > 3600){
$r -= 3600;
if ($mm<=9) $mm="0".$mm; //adds a leading 0 if less than 10
while ($r > 60){
$r -= 60;
$ss=$r ;
if ($ss<=9) $ss="0".$ss; //adds a leading 0 if less than 10
$retval="$yy year(s), $dd day(s) $hh:$mm:$ss";
return $retval;


19 year(s), 229 day(s) 05:22:01

Hope this helps,
Ryan Marks

-Original Message-
From: John Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 2:31 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] subtracting dates...


In mySQL, I store dates as -MM-DD, a standard DATE type. It stores
users date of births. I need to calculate in a PHP script, the users age
from this DOB. I get a PHP date in the same format as the mySQL and
subtract, which returns the year rounded off. ie, it doesnt matter if
your birthdays in june of 1983 and the date is januray 2003, your age is
still returned as 20, when it should be 19.

Does anyone know how can i get the right age?

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RE: [PHP-DB] inputting datetime to mssql

2003-07-25 Thread Ryan Marks

It's possible that the database is interpreting your date as a couple of
subtraction operations.  I always use quotes or single ticks around my
dates when refrencing them in SQL.


INSERT into some_table (date) values ("2003-07-25");

Give a sample of your code so that your problem can be narrowed down.


-Original Message-
From: Henrik Hornemann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 9:18 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] inputting datetime to mssql


I had this problem that was driving me crazy. I was trying to input a
datetime to a mssql table, formated the same way as I use in all my
other tables i.e d-m-Y. But no matter which variations of the basic
format I tried, it didn't understand the date correctly. In desperation
I tried something stupid, inverting the format to Y-m-d, which actually
worked. My question is, how can this be possible that datetime fields in
two tables in the same datebase requires the input date to be formated
in different ways?? And is there any way to fix the odd one out?

Regards Henrik Hornemann

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RE: [PHP-DB] Passing key field, id, from form to procedure

2003-07-18 Thread Ryan Marks

The form that shows the editable fields has a hidden field named 'DID'
having the value of $zid.  In your updaterecord procedure, you will have to
use the variable $_GET[DID] instead of $zid.  You can of course just add one
line of code:

$zid = $_GET[DID];

to help you out.  One other trick is to echo out your query before actually
running it so that you don't update all of your records by mistake.

Ryan Marks

-Original Message-
From: Hull, Douglas D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 10:40 AM
To: Note To php mysql List (E-mail)
Subject: [PHP-DB] Passing key field, id, from form to procedure

I am just starting to learn php and mysql.  I have a small php/html page and
database.  All it does when starting shows the name of each person with a
delete and edit link beside each name.  At the bottom of the list there is
an "Add Record" button.  If you select delete it takes out the name and
reloads the page.  If you select "Add Record" it brings up a form to add a
new name etc. with an "Add It" button under the form in which after
selecting INSERTs the new record and reloads the initial page.  The add and
delete parts work fine.

The edit record is the problem.  After selecting the edit beside the
appropriate name a form is brought up showing the current information for
that record with an "Update Record" button under the form.  This works fine
to here.  But when I select the "Update Record button it will go into the
"updaterecord" procedure of my php/html page but it has no id for it to
apply the UPDATE to.  So how can I have it pass the id to the "updaterecord"
procedure so it will apply the UPDATE to the appropriate record?  I tried
two different ways of getting the id for updaterecord as you can see below.
Following is my editrecord and updaterecord procedures:

if (isset($_GET['editrecord'])) { //edit record
$zid = $_GET['editrecord'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM persinfo WHERE DID = $zid";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$zid = $row["DID"];
$zfname = $row["DFirst"];
$zlname = $row["DLast"];

First name:  
Last name:  

If you want all of the code let me know.  I could send it to your personal
email address.  The whole thing is probably 130 lines of code.

Thanks for any help,
Doug Hull

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RE: [PHP-DB] Print Query

2003-07-18 Thread Ryan Marks
You may be able to view this report in Excel and print it from there.
If this is an option, do the following in Excel:

1. Data -> Import External Data -> New Web Query
2. Enter the URL for your report in the Address field and click Go.  It
is possible to start at one URL and browse to the report if you need to
authenticate. 3. Toggle the yellow arrow boxes to green checkmarks if
you want to include that in your spreadsheet. 4. Click Import.

You will lose your formatting, but this is an option that doesn't
require writing any code.


-Original Message-
From: Norma Ramirez - TECNOSOFT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 8:13 AM
To: lista php
Subject: [PHP-DB] Print Query

I´have a complex report from mysql via php whits css, frames etc...
Someone know a script  to make a printable versión of this? Thank´s
Norma Ramirez

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RE: [PHP-DB] Looking for a php database browser..

2003-07-01 Thread Ryan Marks
Using phpMyAdmin, you can grant a user specific privileges to do just what
you are asking about.  If you only want the data changed, give them some or
all of these: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.  You can specify how much
the user can see or change at the level of the database, table, or column.
The ALTER privilege allows the user to change the structure of the table.


-Original Message-
From: Daniel Szasz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:29 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Looking for a php database browser..


I have to give the possibilitz to browse the tables from a database and
update the data inside. Since there are a lot of tables I prefer to use a
smart php table browser. The user is not allowed to update the structure
only the data so I can't use the phpMyAdmin that is already installed on the

Thanks a lot for help


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