[PHP-DB] Help Please!! Oracle/PHP connection

2003-06-10 Thread Y Al Hinai
Hey guys,
I would really appriciate it if someone can direct me with this problem.
On my laptop I have:  Windows XP Professional, Oracle 9i Database, Oracle Client 
Software, PHP4.3.1, and Apache server.
PHP and Apache work fine.  Oracle i9 by itslef works fine too.  However when i tried 
to connect from PHP to Oracle using the following code:
---Code Start-
else  {
echo  "Connection  successful\n";
Code End--
I get the following error:
xxError Start 
Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no 
default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect in C:\Documents and 
Settings\Administrator\My Documents\php\project\php14.tmp on line 5
conn: Error in connection
xxError End 
I have already set up the ODBC by going to Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC) 
-> User DSN -> and added an "Oracle in OraHome92" driver for my database.
Please help me out guys.  This is for my Master's Thesis project.

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[PHP-DB] Differences between php3 and php4

2003-02-22 Thread Y Al Hinai

Hi everyone..

I am new to php.  I have PHP4.2.3 installed with Apache on my computer.  I was 
practicing on the language from a book called "PHP essentials" by Julie C Meloni.  I 
am facing many problems as many functions from php3 are not working anymore in PHP4!  
For example, header(), include(mydata.txt); and mail().  Also, to recieve variables 
from an HTML form, i had to add HTTP_POST_VARS("")!! how would I know that i have to 
add that?!.  I have many similar problems due to the differences between the two 
version.  I have 2 questions:

1. Is there any source (book or URL or whatever)  that shows what have been changed 
between php3 and php4 and what are the new functions or values are? Something like a 
table or differences in functions.

2. How do u get the mail() and include() to work?  
Also, who do u get header() to header() function to work in PHP4??  This is the code i 
am using for the header() followed by the error message:
if (!isset($PHP_AUTH_USER)) {
  // If empty, send header causing dialog box to appear
  header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="My_Private_Stuff"');
  header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');  
  echo 'Authorization Required.';
 // If not empty, display values for variables
else {
   echo "
  You have entered this username: $PHP_AUTH_USER
  You have entered this password: $PHP_AUTH_PW
  The authorization type is: $PHP_AUTH_TYPE"; }
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at 
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\auth.php:9) in C:\Program Files\Apache 
Group\Apache2\htdocs\auth.php on line 17

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at 
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\auth.php:9) in C:\Program Files\Apache 
Group\Apache2\htdocs\auth.php on line 18
Authorization Required.

Please help me here ...

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[PHP-DB] PHP and Oracle

2003-02-17 Thread Y Al Hinai

helloo Everyone...

A new guest to the list needs your hlep!!.  I am about to start working on a project 
in which im going to use Oralce with PHP4.  I am new to PHP.  I am looking for a good 
book about working with "PHP4 and Oracle" to help me pick up the basics as well as get 
the depth that i am looking for.  To give you a better idea regaring depth, I'll be 
working on a Web-enabled college registration system.  Students log into a web page to 
view, choose, and register courses.  They should be able to view their time tables, 
grades, personal information ...etc.  I need help as soon as possible.  Please help.



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