I have a little problem concerning passing variables or reloading the page.

I have a search fom page (search.php) which POSTS some variables to another page 
displaying the results (results.php). What I want to do is to let the users change the 
order of appearance in the last page. I thought I should use a variable named $order 
and put it into the select string like this:

SELECT fields... FROM tables... WHERE expresions ORDER BY $order ASC

and then make a link of the header of each column like this:

<a href=\"results.php?order=HEADER_NAME\">HEADER_NAME</a>

This would force the page to reload with a new order of appearance of the results but 
if I do this I will lose all the other variables that came to this page by the 
previous form.
I wonder if there is a better  way to refresh the page, without losing my variables, 
than using sessions or by sending again all my variables through the url (it would 
become too big and ugly...)

With a great respect to this list (it has helped me alot in the past),

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