Hi there.
I have a problem with selecting and displaying binary data( images)

DB Engine - Postgress
PHP - 4.1.2

I connect to postgres via ODBC.
Have problems with displaying data of type BYTEA ( images )

here code of script selecting and displaying images:
= script name print_img ================================================
$dbconn = odbc_connect( "DSN", "DB", "pwd");
$result = odbc_exec ($dbconn,"SELECT image_type, image FROM ogrenci WHERE
odbc_binmode( $result, 1 );
odbc_longreadlen( $result, 16384 ); // all imges are not greater than 10Kb.
$num = odbc_num_rows($result);
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) {
    odbc_fetch_row($result, $i);
    echo Header("Content/type: ".odbc_result($result,"image_type")."\"");
    $img = stripcslashes( odbc_result($result,"image"));
    echo $img;
All imges are not greater than 10Kb.
most of images can not be displayed and few looks corrupted...

However, when I use Postgres function:
$dbconn1 = pg_connect (".....);
$result = pg_exec ($dbconn1,"SELECT image_type, image FROM ogrenci WHERE
$num = pg_numrows($result);
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) {
  $r = pg_fetch_row($result, $i);
 Header("Content/type: ".($r[0])."\"");
    echo stripcslashes($r[1]);
all imges displayed just fine!

can any body help with ODBC?


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