
I am trying to align the three values in the select combo box but it is
not working. The code is below :

for($nRow=0; $nRow < $nNumRows; $nRow++)
    $aAns = pg_fetch_array($lResult, $nRow, PGSQL_ASSOC);

    $JoinedValue = $aAns[location_code] . $aAns[section_code] .
                   $aAns[part_number] .
                   $aAns[uom] . $aAns[item_short_description];
    echo "<option value='$JoinedValue'>" .
            str_pad(trim($aAns[item_short_description]),25,'-') .
            "|" . $aAns[location_code]. "/" . $aAns[section_code] . "/" .
            $aAns[part_number] .

The size of item_short_description is 25. But when it is retrieved from
the database it is of the actual size of the description. Due to this
everything in the select box looks zigzag. str_pad though puts spaces
those are not considered spaces in html. I think I will have to put
something like &nbsp;. 

Can anybody help me in the above problem.

Thanks in advance.


####[ GNU/Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]#######################

Sub : bash keystrokes (#4)                           LOST #337

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C-_ : undo last action
C-r : reverse search in history with completion as you type 
      (even searches through different arguments)
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