in your second page, you refer to $textfile as the thing that you want to
load into the database; this file doesn't exist on the server, so it is
inserting nothing I would imagine.

You need to use something like $_FILES['tmp_name'] to refer to the actual
file, once it has been successfully uploaded to your server



// -----Original Message-----
// From: Keiran Wynyard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
// Sent: Tuesday, 11 June 2002 12:38 AM
// Subject: [PHP-DB] CSV/TXT file imported via PHP into MySQL
// I have a form on a PHP page with which I wish to load a tab 
// delimited text file into a
// UNIX based MySQL database
// By using PHPMyAdmin I have tested whether I can upload the 
// file, using MyAdmin to help me
// construct the Query and to date in MyAdmin it works fine. 
// Taking the query and splitting
// it across two pages (one for receiving the file, and to 
// action the query) seems to stop it
// from working.
// I have detailed the pertinent aspects below.
// My question is really to do with whether there is a file 
// permissions setting or
// requirement that I have to be aware of, or if there is 
// merely something else I can do.
// Form code:
//  echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$PHP_SELF?command=create\"
// enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";
//   echo "\n<table width=\"300\"><tr><td><input type=\"file\" 
// name=\"textfile\"></td>";
//   echo "\n\n<td width=\"50\"><input type=\"submit\" 
// name=\"submit\" value=\"Load
// File\"></td></tr></table></form>";
// Query section:
//  switch ($command)
//      {
//      case 'create':
//      echo "<br>$textfile"; \\merely existing to run checks
//              $query = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '" . $textfile 
// . "' INTO TABLE
// pebble_email_addresses FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' LINES 
// TERMINATED BY '\r\n' (firstname,
// surname, email) ";
//              echo "<br>$query"; \\merely existing to run checks
//      $sql_query_result = @mysql_query($query, $sql_userdb);
//               if ($sql_query_result and @mysql_affected_rows() > 0)
//              {
//              //Worked OK
//               echo "<br>it worked";
//       }
//         else
//            {
//        echo "<br>it didn't";
//              break;
// I have yet to get the damn query to import anything at all! HELP
// Thanks in Advance!
// Keiran
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