Daniel Brown wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Mad Unix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How could I build the OCI8 extension module for php5 under CentOS5?
>> I have installe PHP/APACHE/MYSQL through yum install ...
>     OCI8 is a PECL extension.
>     'pecl install oci8'
>     If you need more help with that, you can either check Google or
> perhaps go directly to the PECL OCI8 page.

You'll need to download and install Oracle Instant client 'basic' and
'devel' RPMs from

    # rpm -i oracle-instantclient-basic- 

If pecl isn't available or fails, follow these steps.

Download PHP's oci8 1.3.3 extension from PECL

Build it:

    $ tar -zxf oci8-1.3.3.tgz
    $ cd oci8-1.3.3
    $ phpize
    $ ./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient
    $ make

Install it as root:

    # cd oci8-1.3.3
    # make install

Edit /etc/php.ini and add this line:


If you don't have a DB, download and install Oracle XE database from

    # rpm -i oracle-xe-univ-

Configure XE:

    # /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure


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