What is the Database Engine?

> Dear Sir / Madam,
> Case 1:
> My database,
>     Table name -> Test.
>     Field name -> due_date.
> Let say,
>     due_date = 2001-01-01.
> Now, I would like to display all data from Test table where my due_date is
> before the current date. I tried the below SQL statement but it didn't work,
>     SELECT * from Test where due_date >= curdate();
> My display result should be zero.
> Any good solutions or suggestions for Case 1?
> Case 2:
> My database,
>     Table name -> Test.
>     Fields name -> posting_date, and expired_day.
> Let say,
>     posting_date = 2000-12-20
>     expired_days = 14 days
> So my due date is 2001-01-02(from my own calculation). Same as case 1, I
> would like to display all data from Test table where expired_day plus
> posting_date is before the current date.
> My display result should be zero.
> Any good solutions or suggestions for Case 2?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Ian.

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