maybe I'm over simplifying... my apologies if I am but it looks like you're
testing each variable as a boolean value i.e. if(TRUE) so why not use a
switch/case statement... easier to write and saved on extraneous curly
syntax... look here

-----Original Message-----
From: TV Karthick Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: [PHP] Any good way ?

Hi all

    I have written the following code, but I dont' think it's a good way to
write like this. Is there some other way to do good programming for this ?!

   if ($f)
    $SQL .= " (FIRST_NAME like '%$f%') AND ";
   if ($l)
    $SQL .= " (LAST_NAME like '%$l%') AND ";
   if ($em)
    $SQL .= " (HOME_EMAIL1 like '%$em%') OR (HOME_EMAIL2 like '%$em%') OR
(WORK_EMAIL1 like '%$em%') OR (WORK_EMAIL2 like '%$em%') ";

    Any help is appreciated very much.

    Thanks in adv.

~ Karthick

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