Im trying to tune PHP4 and Sybase SQL Anywere under win98. Is this possible?
What difference  beside Sybase-CT and Sybase in file php.ini?

In sql.ini I wrote:

master=NLWNSCK, ,1498
query=NLWNSCK, ,1498 this is IP adress in LAN
also I try but nothing work.

http server - Apachie for win32

And one more question:
then I just installed Sybase (directory: Sybase SqlAny50) and trying to
connect - this is not working. In appache log I found an error saying  that
libct.dll not found on path c:\syb10 (!!!). this directory just did'n exist.
Than I just make the copy of this dir into SQL10. After that I just cant
connect to sybase. That is it.

Can Anybody  add some light on me trouble?
Thanx before

P.S.Sorry for my English.

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