I'm using php/oracle9.2 .
i cant' login into oracle db using ocilogon() as "SYS" user.
so, i examed oci8.c source.

above 9i , in order to login as "SYS" user
5th parameter of OCISessionBegin must be  "OCI_SYSDBA"(not  OCI_DEFAULT);

2315:   CALL_OCI_RETURN(OCI(error), OCISessionBegin(
2316:                   svchp,
2317:                   OCI(pError),
2318:                   session->pSession,
2319:                   (ub4) OCI_CRED_RDBMS,
2320:                   (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)); <=========== 

// OCI_SYSDBA -- in this mode, the user is authenticated for SYSDBA
// access.
// OCI_SYSOPER -- in this mode, the user is authenticated
// for SYSOPER access.

my suggestion !!

PHP ocilogon specification
resource ocilogon ( string username, string password [, string db] )
==> new 4th parameter!
resource ocilogon ( string username, string password [, string 

ocilogon("SYS","change_on_install","mydb", OCI_SYSOPER );
is it possible ?( i'm poor at C programming).
sorry for my rudness & poor english.

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