When you use "" the parser scans the string for variables. When ' is used it is not 
parsed. So you know what $variable to put,
concatenate the strings with the variable(s). I think it's a faster method. IMO, yes 
it seems ugly, but I want to be faster not so
readable as a novel.

Andrey Hristov

----- Original Message -----
From: "Boget, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 5:28 PM
Subject: [PHP] Coding methods (was RE: [PHP-DB] gzip image files)

> > $filename = 'kunden/'.$name.'.png';
> I see this all the time and I'm curious:  what takes more
> computing power (granted, either would be incredibly little
> I'm sure, just curious which requires more work by PHP)?
> this:
> $filename = "this " . $varname . " that";
> or this:
> $filename = "this $varname that";
> I would think the latter example but am not sure.
> Another question, but this is more about personal style:
> I almost always use the latter method in my coding practices.  It
> looks cleaner and, IMO, is easier to follow especially when there
> are a number of variables involved.  For those that use the former
> method, why do you?  I'm not trying to be judgemental, just curious
> why people do what they do.  In asking, I may actually learn some-
> thing. :p
> Chris

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