I was thinking.  The way I have it now the code is commented out the parts
that I thought would work and allow me to have two columns.  I have
commented them out because in the production environment it was returning
nothing so I at least have to have it show SOMETHING!

Thanks in advance.  Hopefully it clairifies some things

On 12/9/04 1:28 PM, You, "Jacob Hackamack", with the internet address:

> Hello all,
> I have the following code and here is my goal:
> I have an array and right now, as the code stands, I have one column of data
> on a page.  I want it to have 2 colums of data on a page.  I have tried this
> and it just returns blank so I am asking for some help.  Thank you in
> advance and I will be here for any questions you have.
> Thanks Again,
> Jacob
>    $total_count = 0;
>     $display_count = 0;
>     //Do for each item
>     foreach ($item as $sched)
>         {
>         /*    $total_count++;
>             $sched[] = array( 'teama' => $item[teama],
>                               'teamb' => $item[teamb],
>                              'scorea' => $item[scorea],
>                              'scoreb' => $item[scoreb]);
>         }
>     while ($total_count < $display_count)
>     {
>         if ($display_count != "0") next($sched);*/
>         //Start the Row
>          $output->TableRowStart();
>         // Get the team name given its ID
>         $tma = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' =>
> $sched[teama]));
>         $tmb = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid' =>
> $sched[teamb]));
>         $col1 = $vars['color1'];
>         // Home is the first team or the second?
>         $rev = $vars['reversed'];
>         if ($rev == 1) {
>            $loc = $tmb[city];
>            $field = $tmb[paddress];
>         } else {
>            $loc = $tma[city];
>            $field = $tma[paddress];
>         }
>         if ($sched[scorea] == "-1")
>                 {
>                     $sched[scorea] = "NA";
>                 }
>         if ($sched[scoreb] == "-1")
>             {
>                 $sched[scoreb] = "NA";
>             }
>         $output->Text("<td>");
>             $output->Text("<table width='200'>");
>                 $output->Text("<tr>");
>                     $output->Text("<td>");
>                         $output->Text("<div align=\"left\"><font
> size=1>&nbsp;".$tma[team]." ($sched[scorea])</font></div");
>                     $output->Text("</td>");
>                     $output->Text("<td bgcolor='$col1' width='100'>");
>                         $output->Text("<font color=#0000FF
> size='1'></font>");
>                     $output->Text("</td>");
>                    $output->Text("</tr>");
>                 $output->Text("<tr>");
>                     $output->Text("<td>");
>                         $output->Text("<div align=\"left\"><font
> size=1>&nbsp;".$tmb[team]." ($sched[scoreb])</font></div>");
>                     $output->Text("</td>");
>                     $output->Text("<td bgcolor='$col1' width='100'>");
>                         $output->Text("<font color=#0000FF size='1'><div
> align=\"right\"><a title='$field'>$loc</a></div</font>");
>                     $output->Text("</td>");
>             $output->Text("</table>");
>         $output->Text("</td>");
>      /*   $display_count++;
>         next($sched);
>        while($total_count < $display_count)
>            {
>                 // Get the team name given its ID
>                 $tma = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid'
> => $sched['teama']));
>                 $tmb = pnModAPIFunc('Standings','user','getteam',array('tid'
> => $sched['teamb']));
>                 //Get the COlors
>                 $col1 = $vars['color1'];
>                 // Home is the first team or the second?
>                 $rev = $vars['reversed'];
>                 if ($rev == 1)
>                     {
>                            $loc = $tmb[city];
>                            $field = $tmb[paddress];
>                     }
>                 else
>                     {
>                            $loc = $tma[city];
>                            $field = $tma[paddress];
>                     }
>                 if ($sched[scorea] == "-1")
>                     {
>                         $sched[scorea] = "NA";
>                     }
>                 if ($sched[scoreb] == "-1")
>                     {
>                         $sched[scoreb] = "NA";
>                     }
>                 $output->Text("<td>");
>                     $output->Text("<table>");
>                         $output->TableRowStart();
>                             $output->TableColStart(1,left);
>                                 $output->Text("<font
> size=1>&nbsp;".$tma[team]." ($sched[scorea])</font>");
>                             $output->TableColEnd();
>                             $output->Text("<td bgcolor='$col1'
> align='center' valign='middle' width='80'>");
>                                 $output->Text("<font color=#0000FF
> size='1'></font>");
>                             $output->TableColEnd();
>                            $output->TableRowEnd();
>                         $output->TableRowStart();
>                             $output->TableColStart(1,left);
>                                 $output->Text("<font
> size=1>&nbsp;".$tmb[team]." ($sched[scoreb])</font>");
>                             $output->TableColEnd();
>                             $output->Text("<td bgcolor='$col1'
> align='center' valign='middle' width='80'>");
>                                 $output->Text("<font color=#0000FF
> size='1'><a title='$field'>$loc</a></font>");
>                             $output->TableColEnd();
>                     $output->Text("</table>");
>                 $output->Text("</td>");
>                 $display_count++;
>             }*/
>         //End the Row
>         $output->TableRowEnd();

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