Man, it just aint my day...

I have a page, that lists all entries from my MySQL database.

I've used the multiple delete script Mustafa gave me earlier, but one one 
site, I think it may not work..

My page is laid out like this:

<delete button based on select>

<input checkbox select[]>  <form>Post other data to other site, in new 
<input checkbox select[]>  <form>Post other data to other site, in new 
<input checkbox select[]>  <form>Post other data to other site, in new 


However, I'm running into probs... only one entry can be deleted at a 
time, and sometimes, I'll select a box, but am told none are selected...?
Would the embedded forms stop me from processing the multiple deletion in 

My other option, is to add the individual posts to the master form, but 
then how could I submit multiple sets of data, to an external site, 
withough opening loads of new windows...?

So my questions are:

1. Can I embed forms, and are there any issues associtated with it?
2. Can I post to external sites, multiple times, on the same page (kinda 
like header("Location:"), but many times?

Perhaps I'm off on the wrong curve, but it seems the most obvious 

Any ideas?

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