
Using PHP 4.0.3pl1 with oci8 libraries and Oracle 8.1.6 there seems to be
problem when retrieving OUT-Variables from stored procedure, bind to a

for example i got an error retrun value (parsed to SQL as :1 and bind to
$error with a buffer of 4) it could !! happen that $error looks like 0
[zero] but is not a [zero] but something else sometime $error == 0 is true,
sometimes it false ...

WOrkaraund: using it as a string helped "$error" == "0" is always true when
$error looks like a zero. there is no sign of some extra spaces or invisible
chars. strlen is always 1 and print always prints 0. But sometimes zero
isn#t less enough ... ;-)

Did someone else face this problem or do you know if this is fixed in later
releases or if this a special NET8 remote DB on linux and client on solaris
problem ?


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