Sean, here's a php function that returns a formatted date. This currently
returns a US formatted date but you can easily change it to Australian.

// convert timestamp to date for display.
function displayDate($timeStamp, $separator="/", $leading="f") {
    $arr = explode("-", $timeStamp);
    if ($leading == "t") {
        $month = $arr[1];
        $day = $arr[2];
        $year = $arr[0];
    } else {
        $month = (integer) $arr[1];
        $day = (integer) $arr[2];
        $year = (integer) $arr[0];
    return "$month$separator$day$separator$year";

> I am reading a data datatype from a PostgreSQL database,
> the format sohwing  is 2001-01-05 for the 1st of May this year,
> I need this date in Australian format i.e. 01/05/2001,
> I tried using the string date (string format [, int timestamp])
> but with no success.I am not sure how to convert the database variable into
> a timestamp.
> any suggestions ?
> Sean Weissensee

Micah Woods
Woods/IT LLC
2214 Waite Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008

v: 616 349-1175
f: 877 349-4929 (toll free)

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