Prashant Prabhudesai wrote:

> Hello,
> I am running into some issues trying to update a column in a table in a
> SQLite database using PHP on Windows and was hoping could get some help on
> this mailer.
> Here is the create and insert statement -
> IPAddress varchar(100) not null unique primary key,
> Token varchar(100) unique
> );
> ('', '');
> I am trying to update the Token field using the following code -
> [snip]
> $db = new SQLiteDatabase('db/reg.s3db');
> $intoken = uniqid();
> $db->query("update SERVER set Token = '$intoken'");
> $res = $db->query("select * from SERVER");
> $row = $res->fecth();
> $outtoken = $row['Token'];
> echo $outtoken;
> [snip]
> After the script exits successfully I inspect the value in the Token
> column and its empty. But the echo statement in the snippet above prints
> the proper value.
> Interestingly, if I error out the script with a syntax error or some such
> after the update but before it exits, the value shows up in the Token
> column.
> Any idea what is happening here and I need to do here. Seems like there is
> some sort of flush that needs to happen which happens only if the script
> errors out.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Prashant.

Spelling matters :-)

$row = $res->fecth();  << Wrong
$row = $res->fetch();  << Right

David Robley

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