On 20/05/13 14:35, Gilles wrote:

I'm not sure if it's a bug :

No, it's not - it's PHP code :-)

$o_sqlite3=new SQLite3('test.sqlite');

echo'<pre>';var_dump($r);echo'</pre>'; // bool(true)

echo'<pre>';var_dump($r);echo'</pre>';  // bool(false)

echo'<pre>';var_dump($r);echo'</pre>';  // bool(true)

echo'<pre>';var_dump($r);echo'</pre>';  // bool(false)


System Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 (Windows XP Professional Service Pack
3) i586 WIN XP SP3
PHP Version 5.4.13
SQLite3 module version     0.7
SQLite Library

Tried your code on a MacBook OS X 10.6 with PHP 5.3.15 - same result.

What's your question: the difference in response between exec() and query(), or the fact that a non-SQL statement does yield some result - albeit a boolean ?

If it's the first one, I think it is intentional:
http://be.php.net/manual/en/sqlite3.exec.php says exec() is meant for result-less statements. So as long as something doesn't fail, it's OK.
query() is supposed to return results - if it doesn't, something is wrong.

But that is just my interpretation of the man page.
Is there a problem beneath you're trying to solve ?



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