"Chip Wiegand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> I have a database, all the data is numbers. I want to make a query that
> will extract the data and then make it available in an array, so the
> array is populated 'real-time'. I could just enter the number into an
> array manually, but I want to automate the job. I don't know what to
> start looking for, the 3 books I have either don't talk about this or I
> just am missing it.
> Could someone point me in the right direction?

This class makes it possible to return an array in two ways very easy.

Just try this

$db = new Ms_db;
$db->connect(true);  // open a persistant connection
$vars1 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM table");
$vars2 = $db->query("SELECT * FROM table","off");

$vars1 is now build this way
$vars1[row][column] contains the required value...

$vars2[column][row] contains the required value...

Maybe this helps:
mySQL - Database Class

// Database Configuration Variables (local) //
  define ("DB_SERVER","localhost");
  define ("DB_USER","root");
  define ("DB_PASS","");
  define ("DB_DB","testfaq");

class Ms_db
    * Attributes of this class
    var $db_result   = 0; // Stores the last result_id
    var $db_id       = 0; // Stores the current Database Connection ID
    var $db_datasets = array(); // Stores the last read database-Set as hash

    * Connect
    * @author Marcel Schindler
    * @param bool $persistant
    * @return void
    function connect($persistant =
        if (($persistant == FALSE))
            $this->db_id = @mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass)
                           or $this->db_error("Failed to connect to
            $this->db_id = @mysql_pconnect($server,$user,$pass)
                           or $this->db_error("Persistant connection
        @mysql_select_db($database) or $this->db_error("Failed to select

    * Query
    * @param SQL-Query
    * @param flip boolean
    * @return array $dataset
    function query($sql,$flipped="on")
        $db = $this->db_id;
        $wert = array();
        $count= 0;
        if (!$db) $this->db_error("Keine Verbindung zur Datenbank");
        $res = @mysql_query($sql) or $this->db_error("Fehlerhaftes
        while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
            $wert[$count] = $data;
            $count  ;
        if ($flipped == "on") $wert = $this->reorder_array($wert);
        return $wert;

    * Close - closes the connection to the Database
    function close()

    * Reorder_array
    * @param: $array = array();
    * @return: $array;
    function reorder_array($arr)
        $wert = array();
        // Array ist vom Typ $wert[Zeile][Spalte], soll aber als
        foreach ($arr as $sub)
            while (list ($key1,$val1) = each ($sub))
                $wert[$key1][] = $val1;
        $this->db_datasets = $wert;
        return $wert;

    * db_error - displays a well-formatted HTML-Page with the error-message
    * @param string errormessage
    * @param string mysql-error (optional)
    function db_error($message,$error='')
        echo '<html><head><title>'.$message.'</title></head><body
        echo '<table align="center" width="600" height="400"
        echo '<tr><td><h1>Error:</h1></td></tr><tr><td>';
        if ($error!='')
            echo '<br><br>MySQL said:'.$error;
        echo '</td></tr></table></body></html>';

    * NumRows
    * Checks the Number of rows affected by the last query
    * @return integer $number
    function numrows()
        $number = @mysql_num_rows($this->db_result);
        return $number;
    * DUMP - just dumps the current array (just for informal purposes
    * @param VOID
    function dump()
        $x = $this->numrows();
        if ($x == 0 ) $this->db_error("There was no query placed
        echo '<strong>Query DUMP</strong><br><table border="1"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr>';
        $wert = $this->db_datasets;
        $spalten = array_keys($wert);
        foreach ($spalten as $values)
            $spaltenname[] = $values;
            echo "<th bgcolor=\"#000000\"><font
        echo "</tr>";
        for ($t = 0; $t <= $x; $t  )
            if ($t % 2 == 0) echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#dddddd\">";
            else echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">";
            foreach($spaltenname as $values)
                echo "<td vAlign=\"top\">".$wert[$values][$t]."</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>";

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