problem was with switch in W2k server
there is -  Performance Options -> Application response   - and it can be switched to 
"Applications" or "Background services"
after switching from second one to first one (app...), everything works fine now  
(without CGI Error)


Peter Misun wrote:

> running PHP4.1.3 on IIS 5 and everything work's fine
> I have only problem with using header() function
> problem is, after submiting form in first.php:
>     echo "<form name=form_abc method=post action=second.php>\n";
> and having in second.php:
>   header('location:third.php');
> it produces error in browser like this:
>   CGI Error
>   The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
>   HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
> what headers?!?
> after reloading/refreshing page by user, everything is ok
> in logfiles of IIS I found out, that
>   first.php has protocol code 200
>   second.php has protocol code 302
>   third.php has protocol code 502  (what leads to that error)
>   third.php after refreshing/reloading has protocol code 200
> please, help
> 5o


Mgr. Peter Misun
MicroStep-MIS, Ilkovicova 3, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
tel: +421/ 2/ 602 00 127, 111,  fax: +421/ 2/ 602 00 180

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