Hmm... it seems the reason is that in DB_oci8::connect() the OCILogon()
method is used, rather than OCINLogon() which means that a connection is
shared for the lifetime of the page/script.  Is there a neat to
get DB_oci8 to use a new connection each time?


"Tristan Ludowyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi, I've been experimenting with locking tables in oracle 8 using queries
> like "lock table x in exclusive mode nowait".  In my stand-alone script,
> using PEAR::DB objects, I am trying to lock a table for the duration of a
> transaction, and using a second connection, attempt to take out the same
> lock.
> I would expect that a 2nd db connection would not be able to take out the
> lock after the 1st one has acquired it, but it seems to work.  If I run
> same script twice (simultaneously), the 2nd script fails when it tries to
> get the lock, as expected.
> ie. I thought the following would output:
>     got first lock
>     can't get second lock
> but instead i get:
>     got first lock
>     got second lock
> and if run a second time while the first instance is sleeping:
>     can't get first lock
> Why does this behaviour occur?
> Tristan.
> <?
> require_once ('DB.php');
> $conn1 = DB::connect("oci8://***");
> $conn2 = DB::connect("oci8://***");
> $conn1->autoCommit(false);
> $conn2->autoCommit(false);
> // Lock the table in session 1
> if (DB::isError($conn1->query("lock table x in exclusive mode nowait")))
> {
>     echo "can't get first lock\n";
>     echo $conn1->error;
> }
> else
> {
>     echo "got first lock\n";
>     // Attempt to take out lock in another session - this succeeds as well
>     if (DB::isError($conn2->query("lock table x in exclusive mode
>     {
>          echo "can't get second lock\n";
>          echo $conn2->error;
>     }
>     else
>          echo "got second lock\n";
> }
> // wait a bit so we can run the script again
> sleep(10);
> ?>

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