On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Doug Schasteen wrote:

> <snip>
>  1. At what point will mysql blow up (how many tests could be taken at
> once? How many rows of results could be stored in a table before it
> bogs down?)

MySQL will not blow up because of large amounts of data. Provided your
database design and indexing is sound, MySQL should scale perfectly well
in that respect.

When it comes to traffic, simultaneous connections and queries, it all
depeds on your application. From what you describe of it, it sounds like
during a test, queries could be separated so that UPDATE/INSERT statements
go to separate tables which are not being SELECTED from much in the course
of the test. If that's correct, MySQL is probably the best database solution
you could find for your application.

> 2. At what point will we need a dedicated server instead of
> shared-hosting?

That depends on the shared hosting provider, but my experience is that
many are very quick to cut you off without warning when you start taking
too much system resources. Keep a dialog open with your provider if you
can, try to keep updated on how much of a load your application is placing
on the server, and ask them straight out how much more they will take.

> 3. How fast of a server do we need? Will a 1ghz server outperform a
> 500mhz server when using apache-php-mysql?

Silly question, of course it will. But it sounds to me like your
application should do well on a 500mhz server.

> 4. If we need a new database, what is the next step above mysql? I
> have some experience with Oracle but it is too expensive. Is there
> anything inbetween that is friendly to PHP?

If, contrary to my assumptions above, your application requires many
UPDATES to the same tables which are being SELECTED from during a period
of high load (during the test), then your next step would be PostgreSQL,
which is also open-source and free. It uses a different locking method,
which handles those cases better, and has a general reputation of being
slightly more robust than MySQL.

> 5. If MS-SQL is an option for a database-upgrade. What are the
> implications of switching our server to a win32-based server? Will we
> have problems with PHP on windows when all of our scripts were
> programmed for unix?

MS-SQL is not an option. Stay with a UNIX-based system.


Hope this helps,

Jon Valvatne
Viventus AS

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