Not really sure what you are asking.  Do you want to remove the line breaks
from the textarea entry?  Use str_replace("\n","",$user_input);
str_replace("\r","",$user_input); to remove them.

If you want the user to be able to use the enter key to format the
description, you will have to replace "\n" with <BR> when you display it
back.  HTML ingores whitespace, so "\n" accomplishes nothing.

"Rajesh Fowkar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> We are accepting Detailed description of the item in
> <Textarea></Textarea>.
> Is there any function which can return full words without breaking the
> lines. The data is stored in a PostgreSQL database in varchar field.
> item_detail_description varchar(200)
> I am assuming that the user need not press the 'enter' key at the end of
> each line. Hence by using the 'carriage return' code this function
> cannot be written. I was interested in knowing if any such function
> already exists.
> Thanks in advance.
> Peace
> --
> Rajesh
> :
> ####[ GNU/Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]#######################
> Sub : Locating a command (whereis)                   LOST #126
> To locate the  binary, source, and  manual page for a command,
> try : whereis <command> [e.g. whereis man].  See man pages for
> detailed filter options)
> For merely knowing where it lies: which <command>
> ####<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>##################################
> :

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