
first: It is not allowed in ADO to use one connection with more the one 
Recordsets (Design-Problem)

second: this script lets php crash

$conn = new COM( "ADODB.Connection" );
$conn->Provider = 'SQLOLEDB';
$conn->Open( "Server=wincubix;Uid=oebb;Pwd=oebb;Database=cubix" );
$conn->Execute('SET DATEFORMAT ymd');
$rs = new COM( "ADODB.Recordset" );
$rs->ActiveConnection = $conn;
$rs->Open("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM news WHERE gueltig_von <= '2002-05-13'");

changing the script like this will prevent the AV
//$rs->ActiveConnection = $conn;
$rs->Open("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM news WHERE gueltig_von <= 
'2002-05-13'", $conn);

I'm using the latest MSDAC (2.7) and the latest snapshot of php,


Michael Bretterklieber wrote:

> Hi,
> I have strange problems accessing MSSQL over COM over ADO over OLEDB 
> In the script below produces the last sql-statement the sql-error 
> (MSSQL Errornumber: 242)
> *
> > Warning*: Invoke() failed: Ausnahmefehler aufgetreten. *Source* : 
> Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server *Description* : Bei der 
> Konvertierung eines
> > char-Datentyps in einen datetime-Datentyp liegt der datetime-Wert 
> außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs. in *D:\adocrash2.php* on line *38*
> but the statement is correct. If I use the same recordset no problems, 
> but If I use new recordset but with the same Connection, then this 
> error occurs the third time opening a new recordset with the same 
> connection. I also tries to set again (SET DATEFORMAT ymd), but this 
> statement has no effect anymore.
> This seems to be a problem with the COM-Module in PHP,
> bye,
> <?php
> $conn = new COM( "ADODB.Connection" );
> $rs = new COM( "ADODB.Recordset" );
> $conn->Provider = 'SQLOLEDB';
> $conn->Open( "Server=wincubix;Uid=oebb;Pwd=oebb;Database=cubix" );
> $conn->Execute('SET DATEFORMAT ymd');
> $rs->ActiveConnection = $conn;
> $rs->Open("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM news WHERE gueltig_von <= 
> '2002-05-13'");
> echo '<table>';
> while (!$rs->EOF) {
>    echo '<tr>';
>    for ($i=0; $i < $rs->Fields->Count; $i++) {
>           echo '<td>';
>        echo $rs->Fields[$i]->Value;
>           echo '</td>';
>    }
>    echo '</tr>';
>    $rs->MoveNext();
> }
> echo '</table>';
> $rs->Close();
> $rs->Open("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM news WHERE gueltig_von <= 
> '2002-05-13'");
> $rs->Close();
> $rs->Open("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM news WHERE gueltig_von <= 
> '2002-05-13'");
> $rs2 = new COM( "ADODB.Recordset" );
> $rs2->ActiveConnection = $conn;
> $rs2->Open( "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM news WHERE gueltig_von <= 
> '2002-05-13'");
> ?>

Michael Bretterklieber
JAWA Management Software GmbH
Liebenauer Hauptstr. 200
A-8041 GRAZ
Tel: ++43-(0)316-403274-12
Fax: ++43-(0)316-403274-10
GSM: ++43-(0)676-93 96 698
homepage: http://www.jawa.at
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homepage: http://www.inode.at/mbretter
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