I have the thing returning the date as long as the date format is "m/d" in 
the table with a seperate year column.
Here's the table:

mysql> select * from Cinfo;
| Cid | Fname  | Lname    | Bday  | Byear |
|   1 | Lars   | Larsen   | 03/02 | 1960  |
|   2 | Larry  | Loophole | 03/02 | 1950  |
|   3 | Fuzzy  | Wimp     | 03/02 | 1990  |
|   4 | Willy  | Warp     | 03/03 | 1960  |
|   5 | Harry  | Toes     | 03/03 | 1998  |
|   6 | Jiminy | Cricket  | 03/04 | 1889  |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Here's the code, I would welcome comments or improvements.

$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root");
$Date = date("m/d");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Cinfo WHERE Bday = '$Date'");

The result is sent to a table and to my surprise actually works...
Ken Thompson, North West Antique Autos
Payette, Idaho
Sales and brokering of antique autos and parts.

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