I have dropdown lists on one page which were working fine. However I need to
make a slight alteration and add another 2 ifelse statements to go to
another page instead of carrying out the $SQL statement.
I have added the last 2 ifelse statements but I still get the SELECT
statement working. Can someone help please.
if ($level=="All Levels")
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM courses where department='$department'";
    elseif ($level!="All Levels")
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM courses where department='$department' and
    elseif ($department=="5-14 Curriculum")
"<A HREF 'add_5-14_material.php'></A>";
    elseif ($level=="5-14 Curriculum")
"<A HREF 'add_5-14_material.php'></A>";

$retid = mysql_db_query($dbname, $SQL, $link);
if (!$retid) { echo( mysql_error()); }
else {
// the rest creates a table with the information from the SELECT statement.

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