Hello NG,
it's the first time I use this NG and I'm not sure whether I'm I right here
or not.
The problem: I'm a beginner in php (just started to read the first
introductions). I created a "guestbook" with FP2000. The entrys where safed
in and shown from a db. FP 2000 nearly created it by itself using asp. The
problem is that my provider doesn't support a db connection via asp. They
told me that php3 is supported. My question: Can I use the created db (where
my guestbook entrys are safed) and edit and show results via php? I think
yes but all tutorials I found about it described a odbc connection and I
think the provider I'm using doesn't support this , too. Is there any
possibilty to work in an access DB without any odbc connection (cause then I
need a server which supports DNS and so on and all Servers I knew are too
expensive for me at the moment). Maybe I can access the db via php like a
text file?
There are many question I have, sorry if this description isn't precise
enough. I'm glad about any hints, comments, suggestions, links or whatsoever
that would help me.
Thanks in advance to read and answer this long posting.
MFG Matthias

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