
Hope in the right place ?  Just finished loading RH7.2 Apache 1.3.23, MySQL
3.23.49a, and PHP 4.1.2  I have gotten this to work properly on W2K, IIS4 &
5 with no problems.  To start off ...  all of these are working properly
individually.  PHP works fine on Apache MySQL works fine by itself, and
Apache is serving HTML and PHP pages with no Problems.  But the problem
lies with PHP accessing MySQL.  I keep getting an error can not load mysql
extension, please check php.ini.

I have checked and double checked the php.ini setting, and it references no
module needs to be loaded with this version because it is Mysql support is
built in.

All of the settings of the db's are identical as far as users and passwds.

anyone ever get this....

I would greatly appreciate your response.

Thank You


Daniel Negrón
Lotus Notes Administrator / Developer
KB Electronics, Inc.


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