I encountered serious problems using (Berkeley) db2 & db3 support!

1) dba_open fails (!) when the "open flag" is set to "c" and the file exists
("c" flag means: create if not exist, open r/w otherwise). This error is
reproducible with a simple php script started from a CGI version of php4.
The error message is something like "failed to initialise database driver".

2) dba_insert and dba_replace both seem to fail at random and never work
again! After the program runs for several minutes, and then suddenly refuses
to do any more inserts (dba_insert/dba_replace do not break with a warning,
but simply return false (and do not insert the data) ). I use keys that are
of form prefix+(variable size number) like pr_12345 (prefix does not
change), and the values are strings of HTML data with sizes from 1k to 10k.
It is difficult to exactly reproduce this error due to its seemingly random

Both errors are reproducible on Linux and FreeBSD machines.

Are there any remedies? Would the "old-style" interface work? (performance?)

- Ivan Voras <ivoras @ fer.hr> -

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