
I have the following problem.
When I SELECT something from the informix database, everthing works fine.
When I try to insert something into the database php crashes.

The code i use to do the insert is:
$sql_save    = "INSERT INTO tablename VALUES
fnummer,0, '', '')."','".$order."','')";
$Result_save = ifx_prepare($sql_save, $db_connect);
$Result      = ifx_do($Result_save);


$sql_save    = "INSERT INTO tablename VALUES
fnummer,0, '', '')."','".$order."','')";
$Result_save = ifx_query($sql_save, $db_connect);

both with the same result. PHP Crashes and i get an page not found in my

PHP 4.3.2 is installed om a SUN Solaris system.

Is there there something i can do to fix this problem?


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