On 2/15/06, Alex Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the link, I've had a read through but I don't think I'm quite
> grasping it.
> From what I think I understand, if I put this..
> date ( "m.d.y" [, 'joindate'] )
> Then I would get the date displayed like 03.03.01 (for the 3rd March 2001).
> Or is that incorrect?
> Any tips greatly appriciated.
> On 15/2/06 14:28, "Michael Crute" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 2/15/06, Alex Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hi there.
> >> I am currently intergrating a vbulletin forum with my website, and am now
> >> merging the two databases together. On the vbulletin database all
> >> times/dates are stored as a unix timestamp, but in the past I've always
> >> stored mine as 21/3/2006 (for example.) I am now trying to get these unix
> >> timestamps to display as dates / times on my website, but to no avail.
> >>
> >> Once I see how to get it working I think I should be ok, so if anyone can
> >> offer some assistance with this then it would be greatly appriciated.
> >>
> > <snip>
> >>
> >> And then I am trying to get this date to display as a human readable date.
> >> -->
> >> <?php echo $row_members['joindate']; ?>
> >>
> >> Anyone have any ideas how? Many thanks.
> >
> >
> > Yes, check out the date command. http://php.net/date
> >
> > -Mike

Close, you would do something more like

date('m.d.y', $row_members['joindate']);

Michael E. Crute

Linux takes junk and turns it into something useful.
Windows takes something useful and turns it into junk.

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