On Sat, 2004-08-14 at 08:31, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello, 
> Never I have done this before (no need) but now I need to create a 
> new table with some colums from a Webinterface and do not know how 
> to do that. 
> Please can anyone point me into the right direction ?

Well, CREATE TABLE is the type of sql command that you would issue.

You can do

$query = "CREATE TABLE foo (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);";

Then run this query through your php command of choice (pg_query, PEAR,


* Robby Russell | Owner.Developer.Geek
* PLANET ARGON  | www.planetargon.com
* Portland, OR  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* 503.351.4730  | blog.planetargon.com
* PHP/PostgreSQL Hosting & Development

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