>Do any of you knwo how to correctly sort output from a query that contains
>"Umlaut" like " Ä Ö Ü" etc. so that it looks like this:
>and not like MYSQL does it now with the ORDER BY function, which puts all
>the "Umlaut" at the end like this:
>thx in advance for any suggestions. I didn't find anything in the
>manualunder the ORDER BY documentation, but maybe myasql can configure the
>kind of sort in prefs or such? =)
>Jens Nedal
>So long and thx for the fish!

Sir, you may have to change the character set. I think the default 
character set  causes sorts to be correct for Swedish, which puts the 
funny looking vowels at the end. I know that I have to use the Danish 
character set to get the correct sort for Norwegian. Check the manual 
for instructions on changing character sets. It's been a while since 
I've done it, and I no longer remember how.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection.     -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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