The httpd.conf file is in /etc/http/conf


On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Brian Tegtmeier

> What’s up guys? I got a quick question about how the Mac OSX Server handles the 
>Apache modules. I am not sure, but I am hoping that the way it handles Apache is the 
>same as the PC port. I was reading some documentation in a info.php file from the OSX 
>Server Library directory and it said I had to do this to enable PHP on the web server:
> <?php
> // To enable PHP, just uncomment the following lines in httpd.conf:
> // #LoadModule php4_module
> // #AddModule mod_php4.c
> // To test PHP, just invoke this page from a browser:
> //
> phpinfo();
> ?>
> The thing that has me boggled is I did a search for the httpd.conf file and ended up 
>finding one in the /System/Library/Perl/Darwin/Apache/ directory called
> Is this the same file that I need to do this to? I’m wondering because its located 
>in the /Perl/ directory and I am not sure if I should add these comments to it or 
>create a brand new http.conf file.
> Thanks for the help!
> -- 
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