on 11/6/03 4:09 pm, mike karthauser at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I want to select  item_code, qty from cart where cookie_id =
> $_COOKIE["cartId"]
> //the above select needs work
> And then email these to the client which I would do using php's mail
> function.

Partially answering my own question:

$result = mysql_query("select ITEM_CODE, ITEM_TITLE from cart inner join
products on cart.item_id = products.ITEM_ID where cart.cookie_id = '" .
GetCartId() . "' order by products.ITEM_TITLE asc", $db);
This then gives me a result set. What would be the best way to extract the
results to an emailable format, given that there could be one or many items
in the cart table?

Mike Karthauser 
Managing Director - Brightstorm Ltd

Email       >> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web         >> http://www.brightstorm.co.uk
Tel         >> 0117 9426653 (office)
               07939 252144 (mobile)

Snailmail   >> Unit 8, 14 King Square,
               Bristol BS2 8JJ

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