Hi Martin,

> > 2 because the (function argument) controlling feature is the connection, it is not 
>possible for another
> > concurrent user to 'steal' your ID or influence the ID returned to you - it's all 
> Ok, assume you are correct, but what if you are using persistent
> connections (ie pconnet)?

=According to the manual (Chapter 22. Persistent Database Connections) there is no 
difference in "functionality"
between persistent and non-persistent connections (only a (possible) difference in 
efficiency/response time).
Thus use of persistence does not buy you into other issues.

=If I leave it there, you're going to come back with another question, aren't you!?

=This is my understanding. A connection is set up to enable communication between the 
PHP script and the RDBMS.
The connection is exclusive to the script and only lasts the life of the script. Now 
let's look at the word
"script". Each user/browser is processed within the (Apache) web server as a separate 
child process. If the
process calls for PHP processing, then what happens in one process within the web 
server is kept quite separate
from what's happening in another process. This applies even if they both use PHP, and 
even if they are both
running the same PHP script, and even against the same MySQL db/tbl, ie because of the 
way Apache works, there
is no 'sharing' of connections/cleverness in a bid for extra 'efficiency'.

=Thus there is no way for my (connection) use of the db to interfere with your 
(separate connection) use of the
same, in terms of AUTO_INCREMENT, INSERT IDs, and suchlike.

=I'd really like to hear from someone who can talk more authoritatively on the subject 


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